Here, my friends, is a video of Nathan getting better at his crawling. He’s crawling much faster and is becoming more and more coordinated. I have been like his shadow the past few days… following him around, camera poised and ready to shoot some video of him crawling. But, like I said in another post, every time he saw me turn on the camera, he would stop crawling and plop down, smiling as he waited for the inevitable flash and all the oooh‘s and aaah‘s that I say while reviewing the pictures.
He loves all the attention. He knows that the camera equals lots of fawning over him and lot (and I do mean lots) of praise for those super adorable poses that he’s getting really good at.
So get this. In order to get video of him crawling, I had to be a little crafty. You know how much he loves his laptop, right? Well, I placed Nathan at one end of the room… the laptop and I sat at the other end. I pressed one of the little musical buttons, and as soon as Nathan heard the familiar jingles, he was on his way!
I love how he slams his hands down on the floor with such determination. He’s all like, LAPTOP, I WILL GET YOU. You and your LITTLE DOG, TOO.
He’s got it down pat…he’s quick!
.-= Suzicate´s last blog ..When You Give A Little, You Get A Lot =-.
It’s so adorable and he absolutely LOVES being so mobile!