Feeling blessed

It’s really amazing how people really help you out when you’ve had a baby, and I am so thankful for the family and friends that I have. My parents brought me some awesome snack food while I was in labor. Unfortunately, my labor went insanely fast so I wasn’t able to eat while in labor. …


The first week

I can’t believe my baby boy is already over one week old. It’s been a rather hectic week to say the least; neither Paul nor I got any rest! The transition back to mothering an infant as well as recovering from childbirth definitely has its challenges. Nathan’s had a wonderful time this past week. Paul’s …


Breastfeeding moms stand up for themselves and their babies

Breast-feeding moms protest: Breast-feeding moms host nurse-in at Apopka park – OrlandoSentinel.com. All I gotta say is GO MAMAS! Seriously though. This isn’t 1875. By now, everyone should know that breastfeeding is the most natural, absolute healthiest and best way to feed babies. There is nothing obscene or disgusting about it. People who think otherwise are …


Food flinger

Nathan had his 15-month well-check yesterday! (I know, it was a month late, but the pediatrician’s office we go to stays booked.) His weight and height are both in the 73rd percentile, which is wonderful because this time last year, we were having severe weight-gain issues with Nathan as my milk supply suddenly started to …
