A little machine

I cannot believe my baby is two weeks old already. I’ve been in a daze consisting of getting very little sleep and nursing and changing a trillion diapers. I am not even kidding. In the past two weeks, we’ve gone through so many diapers that I could totally build an igloo out of all the …


Potty training. Still.

You know how you can smell a dirty diaper? There is no mistaking it. When I asked Nathan if he pooped, he sniffed the air three times then said, “No. No poop.” Apparently, he doesn’t realize that MY nose still works. Potty training is going so slowly. There is progress- he tells me when he …


At the end of our rope

Andrew, enjoying a brief stay under the tree. We caught him trying to poop under there one day (we’ve been having a year-long problem with him pooping outside the litter box) so we had to block it off with a fence to prevent him from getting under there. I love this cat, but I’m about …


Poop, poop everywhere

Well, we had a bit of a catastrophe yesterday. It started in the afternoon. Nathan and I had just gotten home from a busy day out when I had to use the bathroom. I was in there for less than five minutes. When I came out, Nathan was playing with his brand new firetruck in …
