Catching up!

Things have been hectic around here, but what else is new, right? That’s life with kids! I wouldn’t trade it for anything and, in fact, will miss these busy days once my kids are grown and moved out. We had the hubbub of Christmas, which was nice. Nathan had a hard time adjusting to the …


Feeling nostalgic

Just thinking about when John was first born…he was about 12 hours old in this picture. My, how quickly he’s growing! It’s do hard to believe he’s nearly 5 months old now!


Family gathering

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to indroduce my grandpa to my littlest, John. Grandpa was driving through Tennessee on his way home from Georgia to Michigan after visiting with some of his friends. I couldn’t bring Nathan, sadly. He was having what I call an “off day,” where he can’t handle the sensory …


Lost treasures

I CAN’T WAIT FOR ALL THIS MOVING TO BE OVER! I can’t find anything. Everything is everywhere… most of my stuff is at the new house, some is at the old house, and I can’t find a blessed thing. Boxes are everywhere and neither Paul nor I can remember what all is in what box. …
