Even More Talk of Poopage


Yep. This is another one of THOSE posts that I do. Another one talking about poop. But that’s to be expected… as documented here and here, and mega-poopage can be found here. But it wouldn’t be a blog about a baby if I didn’t talk about poop, right?

For the past couple months or so, Nathan’s been constipated. Ever since we introduced solid foods, starting with applesauce. I’ve tried suggestions from other people… oatmeal, bananas, prunes… but to no avail. I tried giving him water, but he doesn’t like it and won’t swallow it.

Literally. I even tried giving it to him via syringe, as recommended by his pediatrician. But Nathan just held it in his mouth, groaned a few times, and then just spit it all out. It dribbled down his chin and drenched his clothes. He spit the remaining water out, showering me with it. So then I tried giving him some diluted juice. He  didn’t like that either.

The poor little guy is really constipated. The last time Paul changed his diaper, Nathan was playfully pounding his legs down on the changing table. Evidently, Paul didn’t move the soiled diaper far enough from Nathan’s piston legs. Those little legs thudded heavily onto the soiled diaper.


But Nathan was so constipated that his sock left a mere sock print in it. A round little turd with a sock print. There was practically no mess. No splattering. Nothing hideous.

There was very little poop on his sock.

I feel so bad for the little guy because I personally think it sucks to be constipated. Like I said, nothing I’ve tried seems to help. Not even the prunes.



  1. I am sorry that the little guy is having trouble with BM. 🙁 It seems that you have tried everything. I don’t have any better suggestions. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    .-= submom´s last blog ..Happy Birthday, G.K.! =-.

  2. Alas, I have nothing else to offer, either. Just keep doing what you doing with extra cuddles. So sorry he’s having trouble.

    • Me too! Poor little guy!! It really sucks to be constipated… my heart goes out to him. I just wish there was more I could do!

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