The weather has been absolutely gorgeous around here the past few days. I like fall, and I especially like fall in our new house. Well, I don’t particularly care for keeping our massive deck & patio cleared of all the leaves, but you know what else is great about fall? Transplanting flowers!
See, our house has massive amounts of flower beds. Paul’s parents loved landscaping and when they lived here, they had the place looking amazing with all the lovely flowers and plants. Then they sold the house and moved to a different town, and the bank ended up foreclosing on the property with the next owners that bought it. The house sat vacant for a few years until we got it, so all the beds became overgrown with weeds and even trees. The weeds ended up choking out most of the flowers. We’ve been slowly clearing it out, getting it ready for some landscaping but we didn’t have any flowers yet.
One of the ladies who runs the nursery at church for bible study on Mondays is really into gardening. Every spring and fall, she has to dig up many of her plants and flowers because they tend to proliferate. She said she had a bunch to get rid of and asked if anyone was interested. Of course I said we would love some! So I went over to her house and she dug up a bunch to give us, including Black Eyed Susans, Orange Day Lillies, Green Hostas, Epimediums, Pink Fall Anemones, Ferns, and Minarda Fistulosas. That’s what we’re about to start doing in just a few minutes- planting our flowers!
In the meantime, Nathan is running around the backyard having a blast while John catches some zzz’s in the house. I was able to coerce Nathan into snapping a picture with me.
I love my family!