Everyone Nathan meets falls in love with him. We like to go to one particular Red Lobster in a neighboring town. It’s a little out of the way for us, but totally worth it with the exceptional service and food. So we found a server, L, that we just adore- she is AMAZING. And Nathan just loves her.
So one time we went, L asked me if it was okay to show Nathan a lobster when he was done eating. I said sure! So once he was done, he happily followed her out to the lobby to the lobster tank. She pulled a lobster out for him to look at, and he squealed with delight, flapping his little hands vigorously. She said he could touch the lobster if he liked, but he wasn’t exactly thrilled with that idea- he was perfectly content to gaze upon it for a distance.
When we were done looking at the lobster, he watched intently as she gently dropped him (or her?) back into the tank. He gave her a hug before happily prancing back over to the table, exclaiming over his shoulder that he got to see a lobster. And then he told me over and over again about the experience.
I can’t believe my baby is growing up- and it’s just as hard to believe we’re about to bring another one into the world! It’s getting close… we’re so excited! I’ve been prepping Nathan as best as I can for the new arrival, and we’ve even been practicing proper ways to hold the baby by using a baby doll. I’ve told Nathan his baby brother will probably cry a lot, so.one of Nathan’s jobs is to help us figure out why. And today, Nathan came up to me and said, “When baby cries, he could be hungry or thirsty, or sleepy, or go pee pee, or need a rattle!” I also told him that he has to be a good role model for the baby. His little brother will admire him and love him so much, so Nathan needs to teach him how to mind Mommy and Daddy and how to behave really well. I want him to take his role of setting a good example seriously.
Nathan is already loving his brotherly duties. Let’s hope it lasts haha!
We still haven’t settled on a name yet. That’s proving to be much more difficult than it was with Nathan!! It may come down to waiting until the baby’s born and seeing his little face- although I’m the type of person who would much rather decide on a name beforehand. I think the anxiety of not knowing would drive me bonkers!
Ah, so much to look forward to!! I can’t wait to meet this little guy and watch my two boys grow up together!