I hope everyone had a happy New Year!

Regretfully, I did not. But only because I had food poisoning from (I’m pretty sure) some gravy I ate for lunch on New Year’s Eve. I started feeling queasy 3-4 hours after I ate it… and then about 8 hours after consumption, it hit full force. I had waves of chills hitting me every 15 seconds, nausea, and my whole body hurt. My joints and muscles ached, and anything touching my skin caused pain, even laying in bed. I was lightheaded and dizzy and (of course) completely lost my appetite. I only threw up one time, but it was so violent that I couldn’t breathe and it felt like someone sucker-punched me in my sternum. It started around 9:00 on Saturday evening. The worst was over by 24 hours, but I had some lingering symptoms that lasted an additional 24 hours after that. So I was sick New Year’s Eve and all day New Year’s Day. Let me tell you, it was NOT a good way to bring in the new year!

But there is always a silver lining.

While I was laid up in bed, I was able to get caught up on a lot of stuff I was behind on (like emails) from my… NEW PHONE! That’s right, I totally upgraded from my old (like, REALLY old) RAZR to a smartphone. This one in particular. My husband got it for me for Christmas, and I love it! There’s a huge difference going from a “dumbphone” that can’t do anything to a smartphone. I can’t believe all the things I can do from it… it’s like having a hand-held computer! And the slide-out keyboard is great. It also has a virtual on-screen keyboard, but I totally prefer the slide-out one. It’s much easier to type with. I’m totally addicted to it now… it’s SO much easier to check the news, emails, and even Facebook from the convenience of my phone. It’s MEGA AWESOME!

So anyway, my poor husband had to bring in the New Year all by himself. I’m just thankful to be finally feeling like my old self again. Everything here is getting back to normal after the Holidays. Paul has returned to work after a 2-week vacation. We had a wonderful time!! It was awesome having him home for so long, and I miss him when he’s not here. But on the bright side, I can finally get caught up on the housework! Christmas came and pooped everywhere… my house is still a mess! New toys scattered everywhere… Christmas decorations still out… boxes strewn throughout the rooms… counter tops cluttered… refrigerator stuffed full of leftovers… It comes with the territory and it was totally worth it! I had an AWESOME Christmas this year so I’m not complaining.

I am hoping to get the Christmas post written in the next few days. In the meantime, check out the picture.

It’s a new book Nathan got for Christmas. It didn’t take him long to scribble in it. I can’t turn my head for a second around here without him coloring on something or making big messes! Oh life with a toddler. But it’s a life I wouldn’t trade for anything!


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