Well, guys, as you know from this post and this post, we’ve been anticipating some snow here in Tennessee this weekend. The entire state was under a Winter Storm Warning, and after years of snowless boredom, we finally got hit with enough snow to actually PLAY in. This was the view from our front porch when we woke up this morning.
And we played a lot. And yes, I made a snow angel… but this time (unlike the snow angel I made on my visit to Wisconsin), I think I made The Saddest Snow Angel Ever.
It was a mess. I couldn’t even tell what it’s supposed to be. It looked like a body with strange appendages instead of a graceful snow angel. I think the ice underneath the snow made it impossible to successfully make a pretty snow angel… Plus the size of my ass didn’t exactly help when I tried to gracefully get up from my creation.
Because it was so NOT graceful.
I kept losing my balance and falling backwards. By the time I finally made it to standing position, my snow angel was ruined. So Paul and I decided to have some fun sledding instead. We plopped Nathan down in the sno-tube and gently scooted him across a flat surface. At first, he just kinda gazed around, trying to figure out what all the white stuff was about. And why this was what Mommy and Daddy called “fun.” But then he started to enjoy himself.
Since it hasn’t snowed around here in ages, of course we had no snow-worthy clothes to play in. Nathan had a couple pairs of socks on his hands and about five layers of clothes, including two coats. (Paul and I wore what we were able to find hibernating in the dark recesses of the closet). Next stop: a gentle hill. This time with Daddy.
I’d like to do that again, please!
Shortly after the above picture was taken, Nathan decided to scream. Not the crying scream, like what an itty bitty baby does. He wasn’t crying at all… just screaming the kind of scream an angry soul devouring banshee toddler emits. It was this shrill, ear-piercing attention-getting scream that says, “Hey! You! I’M TALKING TO YOU! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” .
Oh shit. My little baby boy is turning into a toddler. A TODDLER. That means there is going to be screaming and temper tantrums and biting and messes… but at least there will be meaty little feet for me to eat and chubby little cheeks for me to kiss.
So we took him inside and I wrapped him snugly up inside a blanket. He stopped screaming as he contemplated whether or not he liked his first snow experience.
But after a few minutes, he smiled really big and started bouncing up and down like a cheery little elf. I don’t know whether he liked his first experience with snow… but at least he didn’t seem to hate it.
So it was an awesome day… It was great playing with Nathan, showing him his first snow, and watching him absorb the entire experience. And I had a ton of fun playing like a kid again.
Even though I made the Saddest Snow Angel Ever.