Nathan has earned a new nickname. Remember how we used to affectionately call him Nathan Scissor Legs? Well, his scissor-legging has transformed into something much bigger. Something much more ferocious. Something oh-so-very Nathan.


His new nickname is now Thumper. No longer do those little legs cycle rapidly, delicately pumping up and down. Now, they thump. Nathan raises his legs, holds his position, and then brings his legs down with mighty earth-shaking force.

When Nathan holds his legs in position, I keep waiting for him to start flickering.

Kinda like Nintendo’s Mario. After Mario squats for a while, he flickers and then has extra power enabling him to jump one-hundred times his height.

Nathan hasn’t flickered yet. But I assure you, those little legs have somehow stored up MEGA TONS OF ENERGY, and he releases that energy one powerful thump at a time.



  1. Aww, how precious!
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..On Chocolate Passion Body Powders =-.

  2. Thanks! It’s so neat watching him learn how to do new things… even if it’s thumping with a vengeance!

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