For those of you who missed the first exersaucer post, click here to read about it. For me, the exersaucer is one of the best baby inventions known to man. Well, that and the baby swing. I think I would just shrivel up and die a slow and relatively painful death without them. That, or I would lose my sanity in three and a half days flat, resulting in me being confined to a padded room because the swing and the exersaucer keep Nathan entertained and happy.
We all know how important that is because when Nathan is not entertained or happy, you’d think the world was on the verge of total collapse.
What’s neat about the exersaucer is that as Nathan gets older, he learns new ways to play with the brightly colored and textured toys. He studies them even more diligently now, concentrating on figuring out how they operate. He’s playing in it for longer periods at a time, too, which provides me with a wonderful and much-needed break. Sometimes he’ll bang away at the “sound” buttons for twenty minutes straight, cackling enthusiastically when they light up and play music.
I also like how the exersaucer has this mysterious ability to make Nathan poop. It seems like every time I put him in it, he poops.
There I go again, talking about poop. Having a baby does that do you. Seriously. Poop dominates my thoughts and most of my conversations. I even dream about poop now. Yes, you read that correctly… I dream about poop. Baby poop. Everywhere. The other night, I dreamed I lived in an igloo constructed entirely of constipated baby poop that smelled like bananas.
I’ll stop now…