My sweet baby has been giving us a tough time the past few nights! See, we’ve been very fortunate in that whenever we put him to bed at night, he falls right asleep. I usually nurse him for about an hour while I watch a Netflix show on the laptop. He falls deep asleep and doesn’t wake up as I transition him from my arms to his swing. (Like Nathan did when he was little, only we don’t have to actually turn the swing on for John.) And then, if I’m lucky, he’ll sleep until 7am. If I’m not lucky, he’ll wake up at night to nurse. That’s fine, though, because that’s life with a baby.
However, the past couple of nights, he’ll still fall deep asleep while I’m nursing him. But then for some reason right as we’re finishing, he’ll pop WIDE AWAKE. I mean so awake that he starts laughing and smacking my face with his little hands. I’ll try to cuddle him and hold him to quiet him down, but nope. He’s awake and there’s no changing it.
I still attempt to lay him down because, you know, it’s night time and all. But the second I walk out of the room, the floodgates release complete with a waterfall of tears and shrieking. Of course, I just can’t bear to hear him like that (it breaks my heart) so I go get him. And he’s completely awake! I bring him out into the living room with me and just hold him and hug him. It takes 1-2 hours from there for him to get sleepy again, after which I nurse him back to sleep. By this time, its 11:30 or 12 at night, way past my bedtime. And I can’t go to bed right after I lay him down because he’ll just wake back up if he hears me. So I’m finally crawling into bed around 12:30, which wouldn’t be a big deal if he slept later. You’ve heard the saying before- put ’em to bed later and they’ll sleep later, right? WRONG! He wakes up at 5am and I nurse him. Then again at 6am. And again at 7am. Let me tell you, you just don’t know how important it is to get enough sleep until you don’t get any! He sleeps so much better when he falls asleep earlier, that’s for sure.
I’m hoping this is just a phase because whew! I’m in a sleep-deprived fog here. But then I just look at his sweet face and I know everything will be ok. It has to be!