Phone problems

Well, my phone broke. As in, it died and went to cell phone heaven. See, for the past few weeks, it’s been rebooting over and over and OVER again. All… the… time. It would reboot when I would try to make a call, answer a call, and even in the middle of a call. And when it rebooted, it would be on a roll and reboot before it even finished rebooting- sometimes up to 8 or 9x in a row. Paul took it apart and discovered the power switch was broken. In other words, my phone thought the power switch was constantly being pressed, triggering it to reboot.

It drove me CRAZY!

So the other day, I had the baby in one arm and he was screaming his little heart out. I picked up my phone to check my text messages and it started rebooting. Over and over and over again. I had enough, so I threw it down on my pillow. My pillow. Let me reiterate that one more time: I threw it down on my PILLOW. And apparently, I have a magic pillow that only appears to be soft and comfortable, but it’s all a lie. It apparently is made of cold, angry steel that only forms when phones are thrown at it because my pillow cracked my screen.

Nope, I’m not joking. The screen is compleltely ruined. And since my phone is password protected, I cant enter in my password since the screen’s broken. That means that I can’t hook it up to the computer and grab all my pictures and videos off it. All the pictures and videos of John from birth until now.

I can’t get a new phone yet because our contract isn’t up until right around Christmas time. I’m hoping when we get new phones, Paul can put his screen on the phone he has now (which is the same phone I had) on my broken phone so I can retrieve my pictures. For now, I’ve had to go back to using and old Razr phone. IT SUCKS! Seriously! It’s a “dumb phone” (as opposed to a smart phone) so I can’t surf the web, the picture quality is crap, and it’s a big ole flip phone. I feel like I’m back in 2002 again! Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful I had it on hand so that I can at least still talk and text (using my thumbs since it only has one of those numeric keypads), but it’s super annoying and hard to get used to after having a smart phone for so long.

I know, I know. First world problems, huh?

Lesson learned: Don’t throw phones because apparently even soft surfaces can be deceptive!

I’m just hoping to get all my pictures off it. Those are all I have of sweet John.


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