The past few days have been awesomely busy around here! We went Trick-orTreating this year for Halloween (actually, we did Trunk-or-Treat but Nathan still called it Trick-or-Treat.) Nathan dressed up as Woody the Cowboy from Toy Story complete with a handsome pair of cowboy boots, and let me tell you, he was as cute as he could be! Whenever anyone complimented his boots, he would smile and do his own little tap-dance for good measure. It was fantastic. I have a super cute picture to post soon!
In other news, he said something outrageously funny today. While I was in the bathroom, he ran up to the bathroom door and knocked vigorously.
“Yes, Nathan?” I answered.
“You pooping everywhere, Mommy?” He asked.
Pooping everywhere? “Ummmm. No,” I said. Pause. And then, “Why don’t you go play with your new truck?” I replied. And then? When I came out of the bathroom, Nathan ran up to me and said, “Did you poop good?”
At least he wants to make sure I have a decent bathroom experience… and he’s given me something to laugh about for a long, long time! You have NO privacy with kids around, that’s for sure!