A waterfall above our house

The other day, it was pouring rain as Nathan and I were about to leave the house. As we stepped outside on to the porch, he took a look around at the downpour and exclaimed, “WATERFALL!!!”

Of course, I couldn’t help but giggle as I imagined us living in a house floating at the base of a raging water monstrosity that pelted us with water from every angle. Can you imagine the difficulty you would encounter just to leave to run errands? You would get drenched just getting to the car. Of course, since your house would be surrounded by water, you would have to have a boat docked to your front porch. Probably a paddle boat. And as you paddled towards shore to your waiting car, you would get soaking wet. And who wants to get into their car and run errands after battling angry waterfall droplets, paddling like a madman to shore, and getting soaked the bone in the process?

I can tell already that Nathan and I are going to have so much fun with storytelling.


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