Yesterday, Paul put Nathan in time out for throwing his toys. He explained to Nathan that he’s not allowed to throw things, and the next time he does it, he’ll go right back into time out. Well lo-and-behold, guess who threw his toys again? So Nathan got put in time out once more. But that time Nathan got put in time out, he said, “I sawee! I sawee” (I’m sorry! I’m sorry!) while frantically signing “sorry” in sign language. And then? Then he looks at me and says “Mama, pweese! Pweese! I sawee!” (Mama, please! Please! I’m sorry!) And then you know what happened?


Because it completely breaks my heart to discipline my son and see those tears splashing down his cheeks. But you know what? It’s not about me. It’s about what’s best for Nathan. And it is absolutely NOT in his best interest for me to be self-centered, refusing to discipline him because disciplining him makes me feel bad, while it harms him in the long run by turning him into an entitled, self-absorbed, spoiled, bratty adult.

There are way too may of those in the world today, you guys feel me?

Children are a blank piece of paper. We, as the parents, write on that paper who our children are going to become as adults. I want Nathan to understand that there are consequences for everything that he does. Some of those consequences are good. Others are bad. And as much as it breaks my heart to discipline him and see those glistening tears cascading down his little cheeks, I know that it has to be done.

But you know what? He is one happy kid. Seriously. He knows he’s loved, because we set limits with him. He needs that security, and he is thriving. And, if I do say so myself, although he has his typical toddler fits, I have a wonderful, precious, sweet, kind, and loving child who I love more than life itself.



  1. {{{{hugs}}}} You did the right thing. You know you did. It is tough when they’re so little. But as you put it so well, as parents it is our responsibility. We owe it to them. Children that have proper disciplines are happier because they know they can count on you when they are feeling lost (and they are NOT going to tell you that they are feeling that way on their own). I always tell my children that I am NOT their friend. Of course I want to be the coolest and hippest mom on the block and be their BEST FRIEND. But that would be selfish on my part. xxoo

    • Yes, it’s definitely hard but I know for sure that Paul and I are doing the right things with Nathan’s discipline. And I really do think that’s why Nathan’s so happy… because he knows he has limits and that we set those limits because we love him. He feels secure, and it shows. He’s a great kid!!

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