Well. Paul and I are both sick now. Paul’s not as sick as I am, and let me tell you, I feel miserable! Sore throat, stuffy nose, congestion, all that stuff. And the sad part is that even as miserable as I feel, I’m not nearly as sick as Nathan was. That kid is a real trooper, let me tell ya.
And in other news? Nathan loves saying “no” to everything. And he doesn’t just say “no,” he says “no… okay?”
For instance, today I asked him if he wanted some milk.
“No… okay?” he replied.
“Okay,” I said. “You want some juice?”
“No… okay?”
“Okay, Nathan. I love you.”
“No… okay?”
“Yes… okay?” I said.
“Okay,” Nathan said as he gave me a hug. I love that kid. Even if he is a bit cryptic.
Takes a lot of guess work!
Yes! I’m soooo looking forward to when he can carry on a more understandable converstation!