Nathan is so sick. He’s been coughing and sneezing with an itchy, runny/stuffy nose. He’s been miserable all day, following me around saying “Ug! Ug!” (that means “hug” in Nathanspeak) and clinging to my legs. I took him outside to cheer him up, and he didn’t even want to play. He just came over to where I was sitting and laid his head in my lap. I took him into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower and read a number of books to him while the steam built up. That seemed to help him breathe better and get some of that mucus out of his lungs. Poor little guy. I hate seeing him sick.
On a bright note, I was making myself some lunch and Nathan got tangled in my legs as I took my bowl of pasta out of the microwave, causing me to drop it. The bowl broke and pasta went everywhere, and I looked over at Nathan who had backed up a few feet.
“Uh oh,” he said.
“That’s right,” I replied. “That’s a big uh oh!”
“Careful,” he told me simply. I laughed.
“Yes, sweetie. I need to be careful.” Good thing he’s there to remind me, huh?