Nathan and I sound like we are in a musical band. Only without music. And add coughs. Yeah, that’s right, we are BOTH sick… AGAIN! Last weekend, I had a nasty stomach bug (which Nathan caught but thankfully, he didn’t have the vomiting that I did) and this weekend, we both have a pretty mean head cold. Stopped-up ears, coughs, sneezing, hoarseness, loss of appetite, all that.
What’s really irritating is that it has been YEARS since I have been sick. And when WHAM! I’ve been sick three times in the past month or so. I think my sicknesses came not only from Nathan picking up illnesses from other kids (NO THANKS to all the parents out there who take their seriously sick kids out in public… I mean, hello? Don’t those people know that you are SUPER contagious when you’re in the beginning stages of your sickness?), but also the gym I’ve joined. I notice every time I go, someone there is coughing or wiping their noses.
Geez, people. Just, geez. Have some conscientiousness, would ya? Because I do NOT like catching your colds!