Feelin’ the burn

You guys! I feel so good!

See, I’ve been going to a gym for the past week because I am super tired of being overweight. I want my pre-baby size back. Ok, ok… I know I’ll never be THAT thin again, but I’ll take a size 8 any day. Hell, right now, I can’t squeeze my PINKIE TOE into a size 8, so can you imagine how totally euphoric I would be to ACTUALLY BE a size 8? (Well, I’d love to be a size 6, but let’s be realistic. A size 6 will probably never happen, and I’m ok with that.)

So yeah, I’m pretty happy with this gym… I like the routine and how good I feel when I am done. It feels great and I am confident that by next summer, I will be close to (if not at) my goal.



  1. You are inspiring…I wish I had it in me to go to the gym!
    .-= SuziCate´s last blog ..Heading In Until We Got Locked Out! =-.

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