Wind, wind go away!

There have been quite a few storms and wind here in East Tennessee the past couple days.  Yesterday, I was sitting in the living room, when I heard a loud BANG! on the roof, immediately followed by clunking noises starting from the middle of the roof and rolling to the edge and then a loud PLOP! as the object hurtled to the ground. I yanked open the curtains, certain someone (a ninja perhaps?) had fallen out of one of our trees and rolled down our roof to their death.

But instead of a dead body, there was only a stupid ole branch.

But I am counting my blessings because even though I would hope that any psycho willing to climb a tree in order to spy on us or rob us falls and gets hurt, I would still feel absolutely horrible that it happened.

And it would be a huge mess to have to clean up.



  1. And better yet, no damage! We have lots of trees in our yard and debri can be a mess sometimes. I hate the sound when branches hit the roof…and one landed on my son’s car once, not good!
    .-= SuziCate´s last blog ..Halloween From One Generation To The Next =-.

  2. I think somebody likes as many crime shows as I do! :o) Glad your roof is intact.
    .-= Nikole Hahn´s last blog ..World Weary =-.

    • Oh yes, although I haven’t had time to watch as many of them as I used to! Instead, I sit around imagining what it would be like to fall out of a tree and onto someone’s roof…

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