You guys! Tonight, I scooped Nathan up in my arms to give him a hug and you won’t believe what happened. Ok, if you have kids, you’ll be able to totally identify with this one. So yeah, I was cuddling Nathan in my arms as as I hugged him, he farted! ON ME! (Ok, I guess that totally makes up for the time I farted in Paul’s lap while we were dating…)
So Nathan totally reminded me of a whoopie cushion. But better! Because I never have to refill him with air. I just squeeze and he farts… Then I wait a couple minutes and repeat. He’s not acting like the gas is causing him any pain, so that’s good. It’s so funny when this happens!!
Too funny! And you can tell him all about this when he’s about six and it’ll crack him up!
.-= SuziCate´s last blog ..The Grand Design =-.
I know, right? I’m looking forward to telling him all these funny little stories about when he was little… such great memories!