Nathan has a new favorite game.
We have an island in our kitchen (you know I’m not referring to a land mass, right?) and Nathan likes to run around it (yes, he runs much better than he used to!) and have us chase him and catch him. Only our “chase” is in slow motion, and our “catch” is more of a giant hug and lots of noisy kisses.
And Nathan loves it.
We’ll say, “I’m gonna get you!” and he will cackle and stomp his feet a few times like he’s running in place, then he’ll duck his head down and will take off running in circles around the island, laughing maniacally the entire time. Paul and I will crouch down and pretend like Nathan is running too fast for us to catch him, and then we’ll pounce from around the other side, swoop Nathan up in our arms, and cover him with kisses.
I love hearing that kid laugh.
Kid’s giggles when playing chase just warms my heart!
.-= SuziCate´s last blog ..Tribute To The Inspiring Oak Tree At Oak Ridge =-.
Me too! It’s precious…. and Nathan absolutely LOVES to play chase!