Bag Lady

Yesterday evening, I dyed my hair. And when I dye my hair, I always put a plastic bag over my head to keep the hair dye from getting all over the place. And when I emerged from the bathroom, the Wal-Mart bag on my head crinkled loudly as it settled on my dome. And can you guess what happened when I walked past Nathan? He didn’t recognize me! He warily eyed me with his fingers in his mouth, probably wondering who could possibly be crazy enough to walk around with a crinkling bag on her head. I had to talk to him for a few seconds before he was okay with the new accessory… and even after that, he would still only come near enough to stare at me curiously without me actually being able to reach him. I would flash him a big smile and extend my arms for a hug, and he would grin and dart away.

Last time I dyed my hair, the bag scared him. When it came time to feed him his dinner, it took some serious convincing to get him to eat. He kept crying and screaming every time the bag crinkled!



  1. Ha, Nathan’s mom is a baglady!
    .-= SuziCate´s last blog ..The Grand Design =-.

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