Eater of Soft Animals

A couple of days ago, Paul, Nathan, and I went out to eat and Nathan started to get a little fussy. Paul reached into the diaper bag to bring out Nathan’s trusty Pooh Bear that Nathanloves to play with and chew on. Besides his fingers and the crib rails (and occasionally, my chin), the only other things Nathan will chew on when he’s teething are his stuffed animals, namely Pooh Bear.

“You know, we need to find some teethers that Nathan actually likes so he’ll use them,” Paul said as he handed Nathan the Pooh Bear.

“Yeah, totally,” I agreed.

“Because it’ll also help keep him from eating soft animals.”

“Like rabbits and chipmunks and squirrels?”




  1. My dog agrees with Nathan that stuffed animals are the best!
    .-= Suzicate´s last blog ..No Longer A Cameo Appearance =-.

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