Need a Laugh?

Ok, so I was going to take tonight off from posting when I had something happen that was so funny, I HAD to share it with you all!

Remember how a few days ago, I was talking about Mommy Brain?

Well this evening, I was making dinner, and part of the meal consists of microwaving a small bag of rice for 2.5 minutes. So as the rice was cooking, I stood near the stove, alternately stirring the vegetables in the frying pan and talking to my husband. When the microwave beeped to signal it was done, I opened the microwave .

Only there was no rice in the microwave. It was empty.


I had left the rice on the counter and had proceeded to cook nothing but AIR for two and a half minutes. AIR! And I was completely astonished when I opened the microwave and saw it was empty because I thought for sure that I had put the rice inside it.

In fact, I could REMEMBER putting the rice in the microwave.

But I was wrong. The rice was sitting in plain view on the counter, patiently waiting to be microwaved. My mind was only playing tricks on me because even though the rice was in plain sight, I somehow managed to not see it the ENTIRE TIME I thought it was cooking.

Now THAT, folks, is a total case of Mommy Brain!



  1. Aha, again…Welcome to my world!!!
    .-= Suzicate´s last blog ..Information Overload And The Quilt Show =-.

    • LOL! I might as well grab a cup of coffee and make myself at home in your world, huh? Because it doesn’t look like my Mommy Brain is going away any time soon!

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