I’ve really been taking advantage of the lovely weather we’ve been having recently by taking Nathan outside and letting him explore.
And, as you all know, he absolutely loves being outside.
And he really loves playing with twigs, leaves, and pretty much whatever he can get his little hands on.
He wants to examine everything. And when he picks up something he hasn’t picked up yet, he’ll often look at me inquisitively, as if to ask Is this edible, Mom? because I know he’s just dying to drool and chomp all over it. It seems like his poor gums are constantly hurting. He drools so much that he and I both are swimming in it by the day’s end.
I wish I could get him to take a teether, but he’s just not interested in any of them.
Poor little guy. When will all his baby teeth come in?
I especially love the smile in the second one.
.-= Suzicate´s last blog ..Guilty As Sin, Or Not =-.