Goodness, that paci looks so big…I know he was just small then. Wow, and now he’s crawling all over the place!
.-= Suzicate´s last blog ..Information Overload And The Quilt Show =-.
It’s funny, I remember thinking how big that pacifier looked when he was a newborn. Now, it’s nothing! He could just about crush that pacifier! I still marvel at how much babies grow in that first year…
Goodness, that paci looks so big…I know he was just small then. Wow, and now he’s crawling all over the place!
.-= Suzicate´s last blog ..Information Overload And The Quilt Show =-.
It’s funny, I remember thinking how big that pacifier looked when he was a newborn. Now, it’s nothing! He could just about crush that pacifier! I still marvel at how much babies grow in that first year…