Yesterday, I talked some about Nathan’s First Christmas and the fun Nathan had playing with the television’s remote control. But today is all about Nathan opening his first presents. Well, actually, he was only able to open one present. He was in the middle of opening his second present when he had a total meltdown and we had to put him down for a nap.
So anyway, the present-opening ritual went great at first. Nathan and I smiled for the camera because, of course, you have to have pictures of you with your child(ren) on Christmas.
Then I took a rare picture of Nathan and my husband. Paul generally doesn’t like to have his picture taken, much to my dismay because, well, I’m a little Camera Happy at times.
Then, I introduced one of Nathan’s presents to him. He wasn’t sure what to think, but he was totally diggin’ the colorful wrapping paper.
I tore a hole in the paper and put his hand in it, encouraging him to unwrap it himself.
He was curious about this new tradition… the tradition of Ripping Things. But he wasn’t really sure if it was truly okay to just rip something. So I helped him.
Just a little.
When we finally extracted the present from it’s cocoon of festive paper, Nathan took a close look at the box and, yes, HE THREW UP HIS HANDS IN EXUBERANCE. It was a Nathan-sized laptop! I don’t know if he was excited about the new toy or the box. He loves playing with boxes.
He couldn’t believe his good luck. How did he manage to score something so cool without having to do anything for it?
He spent the next few minutes exploring the box, running his little hands along the edges and not quite sure where to go from there. So we took the toy out of the box and handed it to Nathan to play with.
He didn’t just play with it, though. He kept picking it up, turning it over in his hands and thoroughly exploring every aspect of it. He gently touched the screws holding the toy together. He studied the different designs engraved in the plastic. He opened and closed the lid, a quizzical look glued on his face when a childish voice said “bye bye” from the speakers.
But now it was time to open a present labeled “To Paul and Nathan” from Paul’s dad. Paul laid down on the floor with Nathan and showed him who the present was from.
Nathan intently watched his daddy rip off little pieces of the present.
But then, Nathan had a meltdown.
He was like an engine that had been running smoothly suddenly starting to smoke and sputter. He randomly threw a tantrum, signifying the present-opening was to be halted so he could nap.
And he napped very well, indeed. I’m sure he dreamed of Nathan-sized laptops, disembodied sing-song childish voices wishing him farewell, and shredded festive wrapping paper wafting in the air.
It was a glorious Christmas, my friends.