We live in East Tennessee and this year, it has been unseasonably cold. Well, not the whole year, of course. There was summertime, which consisted of sweltering heat and humidity that was so sticky it was like being enveloped in a second skin. But where has Fall gone? It seems like the Fall season was completely nonexistent. Summer just morphed into Winter without so much as a breath of Fall. In fact, it’s been so cold here that we’ve had to turn our heaters on.
Just last week, our air conditioners were blasting full-force.
I’ve been walking around in long-sleeves and thick, fuzzy pink socks. I love those things. They’re soft, comfortable, and best of all, they keep my feet warm. I usually don’t have to bundle myself up until December or January… but here it is in the middle of October and I’m freezing my butt off.
Ok, so my butt is still attached, unfortunately, but you get the point.
Paul likes to watch football, so that’s what he’s been doing most of the day today. I was working on my blog… I’m in the process of constructing a completely new look but it’s not ready to published yet. When this new look is deployed, I think you, Internet, will like it. So anyway, I was sipping on some sweet tea and working on my blog’s new look when Paul called out to me.
“Come here! You won’t believe this!” he said from the living room. I stood up from the desk and peeked my head around the corner. “Look at this,” he said and pointed to the TV.
The Titans were playing the Patriots in Massachusetts… and there was snow on the ground.
Lots of it.
And this is the middle of October. October! I can’t believe it is snowing in October! Ok, I know it gets cold up North and snows much more often there than it does in Tennessee… but it’s October! And it’s not even Halloween yet!
The weather has a mind of its own. You never know… it could be like Fall tomorrow and then you blink and it’s Summer again the next week. I don’t mind these drastic and rapid-fire changes. It gives us something different to enjoy for a few days until the weather changes her mind, snaps her fingers, and spits some bizarre weather patterns at us like a Pez Dispenser spits out candy.
I love Fall and fuzzy socks!! And our house is always cold, too!! I freeze my butt off often! LOL!!
I like it when it’s cold outside an nice and warm inside!! Or better yet… when I’m warm!
Pretty chilly here too, but I’m actually liking it. I love bundling up under blankets at night! I’m sure we are going to have a few of those indian summer days ahead though.
.-= Nancy@ifevolutionworks.com´s last blog .. =-.
ME TOO!! There’s nothing like snuggling into a pile of blankets when the air around you is cold!