Another Date!

Finally! Paul and I are going on another date! That means alone time… just me and him.

And you, Internet.

We’re on our date right now. As we speak. Nathan is with Paul’s mom and I’m quite sure he’s having the time of his life with all the hugs and kisses he’s getting. We just ate some delicious hot-wings with some friends, drank a couple beers, and I was all like Honey! We must stop by the house! I haven’t posted yet, and the Internet needs to know that we are on a date!

Well, actually, I must admit that we didn’t come home just to alert the Internet we are on a date. I desperately needed to pump. There is only so long I can go until I have to relieve the pressure. So that’s the REAL reason we stopped by the house.

Don’t worry; Paul is the designated driver this time. This mommy deserves to relax and have a bit of alcohol. I have tons of milk pumped and stored in the freezer and am ready to have a great time this evening.

So here we are, I’m posting to tell the Internet we are on a date while Paul quickly catches up on the current football game.

We’re on a date!



  1. I’m so jealous. Please say we’ll be able to live vicariously through your adventure by sharing the details – well, PG-13 details, anyway! Hope you had fun!

  2. It was GREAT!!! Paul and I seriously needed some quality time together… time to just hang out and have fun! It’s not often we can do that so we really savor the times when we do!

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