Evolving Taste Buds

Nathan’s little taste buds have started to evolve. And I don’t mean in a good way. They are evolving in a picky-eater kind of way.  It feels like I’m dealing with a toddler already. He only wants sweet foods… mostly fruits and sweet vegetables. He does not, absolutely will not, touch anything green. No sweet peas, which …


His Awesome Cuteness

Paul has taken a four-day weekend in celebration of Thanksgiving. Yesterday we stuffed ourselves so full of turkey that I’m surprised we didn’t start GOBBLING. Now, we’re going to relax, watch a movie, and enjoy each other’s company. But not before I share some pictures of Nathan on Thanksgiving! Like I mentioned yesterday, he didn’t take his …


Green Jello

So, does anyone besides me find green jello slightly unnerving? There is something about the color. That deep, neon green glow it has going on just doesn’t sit well with me. That VERY UNNATURAL green neon glow. It reminds me of some sort of enchanted elixir found only in B-rated science fiction movies. So is green …


Evolving Tastes

As you probably know by now, we’ve introduced solids into Nathan’s diet, and it’s been quite a journey already. We’ve enjoyed watching the expressions on his face when he tastes a new food (such as applesauce) and laughed at the bleating noises he makes when he likes something. As of right now, he has quite the pallet and …
