Growing an adult

Yesterday, Paul put Nathan in time out for throwing his toys. He explained to Nathan that he’s not allowed to throw things, and the next time he does it, he’ll go right back into time out. Well lo-and-behold, guess who threw his toys again? So Nathan got put in time out once more. But that time …


A growing little guy

Guess what? Nathan has his two-year well-check the other day! Of course, with all the problems we had with weight gain when he was an infant, I was very eager to see where he was on the growth chart when compared to other kids his age. He’s perfect! He’s in the 75th percentile for height and …


Mean Ole Mommy

So here lately, whenever Nathan gets in trouble for something, he stretches out his arms, toddles up to me, and gives me kisses and hugs. Even with little tears streaming down his face. It doesn’t matter if I say a simple “No, not for Nathan” or “Don’t touch that, little guy.” His eyes well up …
