One Step Closer

Well, I had my initial visit today with the Chiropractor! And, it has been confirmed: My back is trying to kill me. Remember how I said they would do this really cool, sophisticated scan on my spine? Well, it showed that I’m having severe muscle spasms in my neck and upper back (Hmmm, I think carrying around …


Need a Laugh?

Ok, so I was going to take tonight off from posting when I had something happen that was so funny, I HAD to share it with you all! Remember how a few days ago, I was talking about Mommy Brain? Well this evening, I was making dinner, and part of the meal consists of microwaving …


Mommy Brain

They call it Mommy Brain. It happens once you have a baby. Something happens to your brain. I don’t know if the lack of sleep mixed with raging hormones causes the brain to… oh I don’t know, EAT ITSELF… or what, but something happens and you start to do things. Weird things. Nonsensical things. BIZARRE …
