Lovin’ the Outdoors

I’ve really been taking advantage of the lovely weather we’ve been having recently by taking Nathan outside and letting him explore. And, as you all know, he absolutely loves being outside. And he really loves playing with twigs, leaves, and pretty much whatever he can get his little hands on. He wants to examine everything. …


On the Loose

We’ve been having some seriously awesome weather lately, so Nathan and I went outside and did some exploring. For the first time, I was able to sit him down on the ground and let him play around. He loves being outside and has enjoyed it since he was an infant. I remember when he had …


More Snow Fun

Remember how we had a “big” snow here in Tennessee on Saturday? (The word big is in quotes because our 5-6 inches of snow we got here is nothing compared to what those of you who live up north deal with every winter. But here in the south, 5-6 inches is something that happens quite rarely.) Well, we …
