Houston, We Have Teeth

Nathan finally cut his first two teeth! The bottom two have finally pushed through the gums after nearly 3 months of pain. Dealing with an infant who’s teething isn’t exactly on my list of fun things to do. Teething caused Nathan to wake more often during the night, excessive grumpiness, mountains of bibs laden with …


The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Nathan

My husband is bending over the sink, deveining some shrimp. I personally think all shrimp should already come deveined. But hey, I get to stare at his butt, so keep getting those unprepped shrimp, honey!  So yeah, I was watching him pluck the veins out of the shrimp while muttering about how painstaking the process is, which made …


Grumpified Grumpy Grump

I attempted in vain to lay Nathan down for his nap… he’s not having it, however. He has been rubbing his bleary, sleepy little eyes since he woke up this morning, protesting everything that I did with squirming and grunts of dissatisfaction. However, he started out in a great mood this morning with a huge grin and scissor …
