What’s so Funny?

Every so often, something I say or do will trigger a laughing fit from Nathan. Once, it was every time I said the word happy.  For hours, every time I would say the word happy, he would erupt into a laughing fit. Another time, it was puffing my cheeks up with air. And yet another …


Boredom or Exhaustion?

Well, it certaintly can’t be boredom because I have Nathan and his antics that will forever prevent boredom from surfacing. I wouldn’t normally find this type of thing all that funny, but today, in my sleep-deprived state, I can’t stop laughing. I’ve watched this video multiple times, and each time the complete idiocy of the video …


If It Fits, It Fits

Last night, I decided to don a cute shirt that I hadn’t been able to squeeze into since my pre-pregnancy days. It fit, and I was pretty stoked. After dinner, my husband Paul was lovingly rubbing my back. I was enjoying the moment, feeling cute again, when he said, “Honey, does this shirt fit?” “What …
