Nap Time Apocalypse

The nap-time saga continues. Full force. Yesterday was a struggle the apocalypse of all nap-time disagreements. Things with nap-time got bad. Like, Jerry Springer Bad… Nathan pulled out his theatrical skills and dramatics, screamed like an irate banshee, yanked out handfuls of my hair and tossed it around the room like confetti, and there were tears. Lots …


Nap Time Failure

I failed at nap time today. My attempt to put Nathan down for a nap didn’t just fail… it was an EPIC FAIL. I don’t know why he suddenly refused to nap; he was doing so well with his nap time routine. It all started last night. He normally only wakes up once during the …



Nathan loves to read books. Well, he doesn’t actually read them, but he loves the whole experience of sitting in our laps, holding the book with his hand, and following along as we read. He really focuses on the pictures, furrowing his brows ever so slightly as he gazes intently at the colorful illustrations. Occasionally, he’ll reach …


The Handsucker Proxy

A Pacifier. The one item in your rapidly accumulating pile of most-used baby gear that you are guaranteed to develop an intense love/hate relationship with.  They are wonderful a gift from God Himself as a reward for bravely growing a human being, enduring the madness of labor and childbirth, and loving your little bundle of screams …
