Green Jello

So, does anyone besides me find green jello slightly unnerving? There is something about the color. That deep, neon green glow it has going on just doesn’t sit well with me. That VERY UNNATURAL green neon glow. It reminds me of some sort of enchanted elixir found only in B-rated science fiction movies. So is green …


An Arsenal of Boogers Nathan has recently figured out how to wave. Well, kind of. He mostly just flaps his arm around, like a cat playing with a feathered toy. He doesn’t bend his wrist yet, but it still counts as a wave because he does it whenever I wave at him. He doesn’t wave all the time, …



Nathan has earned a new nickname. Remember how we used to affectionately call him Nathan Scissor Legs? Well, his scissor-legging has transformed into something much bigger. Something much more ferocious. Something oh-so-very Nathan. Thumping. His new nickname is now Thumper. No longer do those little legs cycle rapidly, delicately pumping up and down. Now, they …


Nap Time Apocalypse

The nap-time saga continues. Full force. Yesterday was a struggle the apocalypse of all nap-time disagreements. Things with nap-time got bad. Like, Jerry Springer Bad… Nathan pulled out his theatrical skills and dramatics, screamed like an irate banshee, yanked out handfuls of my hair and tossed it around the room like confetti, and there were tears. Lots …
