Repetitions will quickly get your attention. Believe me.
The other day, I was busy in the kitchen making Nathan his lunch. I was in a hurry because everything was timed… I was cutting up his fruit and making my sandwich while I had some broccoli steaming on the stove. Nathan kept getting right under my feet, pulling at my shirt, trying to get me to …
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Dancing on a book
Tons of camping pictures!
Finally! I got them done! All before my 80th birthday! Yeah, I didn’t anticipate it taking quite so long to do this post… it took forever to edit all the pictures and videos. But at any rate, here they are, hope you enjoy them! We went camping in the beginning of June at the Indian …
Hmmm wonder where he gets this from?
I’ve noticed it’s been a while since I’ve put up a video. This one is super cute not only because Nathan is the star, but also because his phone etiquette is pretty funny. He LOVES talking on the phone, whether it’s his toy phone or my phone. Whenever I’m on the phone, he’ll toddle up …