
Conversations between me and Nathan tend to go downhill rather quickly. It will usually start out innocently enough with Nathan asking a little question, but then he’ll play off that question and turn the conversation into something it totally was not! The following is a prime example… Nathan: What’s that on your ear, Mom? Me: …


Christmas is almost here!!

Last night, we wrapped more of Nathan’s Christmas presents and put some of them under the tree. Nathan’s reaction to these presents when he saw this morning was priceless. With wide eyes, he crouched down and started bouncing while exclaiming there were more presents under the tree. Then he systematically went through the presents, picking …


Happy hearts

Nathan was being a little bit of a pain this evening (ok ok, a BIG pain!), so I had to discipline him and put him in his room. I explained to him what he’d done wrong and how his behavior was breaking my heart. When I said that, he burst into tears, hugged me, and …
