
You guys, I have insomnia. I go through bouts of it…sometimes, I can’t sleep as much as 4 or 5 nights a week. Last night was one of those. I tossed and turned from the time Paul and I went to bed until about 4:30 in the morning, when my flailing jarred Paul from his …


A bit of the blahs

Today has been one of Those Days for me. Well, actually, it started last night when out of the clear blue, my back started hurting. Again. My husband and I were just hanging out, minding our own business, when WHAM! My back picked up where it left off the last time it tried to kill …


Mommy Brain

They call it Mommy Brain. It happens once you have a baby. Something happens to your brain. I don’t know if the lack of sleep mixed with raging hormones causes the brain to… oh I don’t know, EAT ITSELF… or what, but something happens and you start to do things. Weird things. Nonsensical things. BIZARRE …
