A little machine

I cannot believe my baby is two weeks old already. I’ve been in a daze consisting of getting very little sleep and nursing and changing a trillion diapers. I am not even kidding. In the past two weeks, we’ve gone through so many diapers that I could totally build an igloo out of all the …


Pee Pellets. Yes, I said Pee Pellets.

I’m beginning to lose my faith in diapers. Did you know diapers can malfunction? Seriously, they really can. I had to change Nathan’s diaper, and as I was getting his pants off, my fingers slid across what felt like a thousand boogers on his leg. Flummoxed, I pulled my up my hand and upon closer inspection, it looked …


A happy boy

So, remember Friday how I felt like Nathan developed a burn/rash problem from the new Pampers Cruisers DryMax diapers we switched him to? Well, I told you guys we switched back to Pampers Baby Dry diapers and have used hydrocortisone cream 1% and then petroleum jelly once he started to heal, and his skin problems are almost gone now! There’s …


The Fountain of Eternal… Pee

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXL4_snbKPE  Nathan telling the camera all about the peeing incident My son woke up from his nap crying, so my husband (being the generous husband that he is) attempted to change his diaper. That’s right, I said attempted.  Paul laid Nathan down on the changing table and removed his soiled diaper under the misconception that …
