A Key to Sids Found

Scientists think they’ve finally found a tangible link to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)… and that link is Serotonin levels in the brain. (Click here to read the article.) Hopefully, this new lead will help doctors and scientists develop screening tests for newborns to assess who is at a higher risk of SIDS. I worried …


That Txt Can W8

Texting while driving. Most of us have done it at least once. Many of us do it all the time. I admit, I am just as guilty as the next person. Yes, I have texted and driven before. Even though I very rarely texted while driving, the fact remains that I have done it. I …


Unassisted Births

Forget the OB/GYN. Forget the midwife. More and more women are choosing to take part in unassisted births… having a baby without the help of a trained professional such as an OB/GYN or a midwife. Not because of an emergency, but because that’s what the mother chooses ahead of time. Would I ever have an …


Children Denied Insurance for Being “Too Fat” or “Too Skinny”

Recently, an insurance company called Rocky Mountain Health in Colorado denied a four-month-old baby insurance because he was obese, which the insurance company claimed was a preexisting condition.  You can read more about it below. Fat Baby Initially Denied Health Insurance And just when I thought that was icing on the cake, I read THIS article: …
