Another great article

Concerned about the ever growing amount of toxins in our environment, food, and everything in between? I found a great article in Parents Magazine with some pretty good info concerning what types of toxins we are exposed to, how it affects us, and what to do about it. It’s a little lengthy, but well worth the read. …


Food flinger

Nathan had his 15-month well-check yesterday! (I know, it was a month late, but the pediatrician’s office we go to stays booked.) His weight and height are both in the 73rd percentile, which is wonderful because this time last year, we were having severe weight-gain issues with Nathan as my milk supply suddenly started to …


Information on drowning that everyone should know

Did you know that drowning doesn’t look like drowning? You know the typical frantic splashing, thrashing, and screaming for help that you see in the movies? That’s not what drowning actually looks like. In actuality, someone can drown right in front of you, while you are looking at them, and you could have no idea. …


A happy boy

So, remember Friday how I felt like Nathan developed a burn/rash problem from the new Pampers Cruisers DryMax diapers we switched him to? Well, I told you guys we switched back to Pampers Baby Dry diapers and have used hydrocortisone cream 1% and then petroleum jelly once he started to heal, and his skin problems are almost gone now! There’s …
