The Curious Case of the Malfunctioning Body Wash

Last night when I was taking my usual shower, something strange happened. No, I didn’t have an epiphany on how to accomplish world peace. Nor did I compose a soon-to-be renowned symphony with my awesome mind power. No, I was just bathing myself. I felt… soapier than usual. Kinda slimy. I thought my body wash …


A Deja Vu Day

Another one of Paul’s broken glasses Yesterday was a day of recurrences. Nathan didn’t nap well, which has been an ongoing problem for the past month or so. He was very, very grumpy.  He also got up twice that night and didn’t want to go back to bed. And, get this… I broke ANOTHER glass.. And not just …


An Arsenal of Boogers Nathan has recently figured out how to wave. Well, kind of. He mostly just flaps his arm around, like a cat playing with a feathered toy. He doesn’t bend his wrist yet, but it still counts as a wave because he does it whenever I wave at him. He doesn’t wave all the time, …
