Information on drowning that everyone should know

Did you know that drowning doesn’t look like drowning? You know the typical frantic splashing, thrashing, and screaming for help that you see in the movies? That’s not what drowning actually looks like. In actuality, someone can drown right in front of you, while you are looking at them, and you could have no idea. …


What? Seriously? They’re threatening to sue McDonald’s over Happy Meal Toys?

I came across this article and was completely floored. After I read it, I was thinking, Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? But no, it’s not a joke. There really is a group who is threatening to sue McDonald’s because “McDonald’s marketing has the effect of conscripting America’s children into an unpaid drone army of word-of-mouth …


Wow. Just wow.

Ever had the feeling your cell phone was stalking you? Ok, me neither. But I’ve always been a tad wary of technology, and this article I came across explains why perfectly.


A nation of apathy

If you came across a dying man, would you stop and help or just walk away? The Bystander Effect can be described as social psychological phenomenon in which someone who witnesses an emergency situation does not offer any help when other people are present, and the larger the crowd of bystanders, the less likely it is the victim …


Finally! A Public Effort to Promote and Protect Breastfeeding/Pumping Mothers

I have never breastfed in public. Not because I don’t think breastfeeding should be done in public, because that’s not the case. I’m just not personally comfortable doing it, but I firmly believe that the mother has the absolute right to feed her child anywhere she is legally allowed to be. In fact, within the …
