What’s going through your toddler’s head

If any of you out there have toddlers and are wondering why toddlers behave the way that they do, I thought the link I posted below was a pretty good article detailing what might be going on in your toddler’s mind. Nathan is definitely gearing up for the Terrible Two’s, although he’s not there full-force just yet. So I’m enjoying …


Another great article

Concerned about the ever growing amount of toxins in our environment, food, and everything in between? I found a great article in Parents Magazine with some pretty good info concerning what types of toxins we are exposed to, how it affects us, and what to do about it. It’s a little lengthy, but well worth the read. …


Breastfeeding moms stand up for themselves and their babies

Breast-feeding moms protest: Breast-feeding moms host nurse-in at Apopka park – OrlandoSentinel.com. All I gotta say is GO MAMAS! Seriously though. This isn’t 1875. By now, everyone should know that breastfeeding is the most natural, absolute healthiest and best way to feed babies. There is nothing obscene or disgusting about it. People who think otherwise are …
