Eating like a champ

Nathan’s lunch yesterday: Grilled chicken Baked asparagus 1/4 an apple 12 grapes A piece of Monterrey Jack Cheese 3 reduced-fat club crackers Nathan’s favorite foods (what Nathan typically eats on a daily or near-daily basis): Reduced-sugar oatmeal for breakfast Cheerios (whole grain) Strawberries Bananas Grapes Apples Broccoli Asparagus Cauliflower Cheese Reduced-fat crackers Steak (yes, we …


Poop, poop everywhere

Well, we had a bit of a catastrophe yesterday. It started in the afternoon. Nathan and I had just gotten home from a busy day out when I had to use the bathroom. I was in there for less than five minutes. When I came out, Nathan was playing with his brand new firetruck in …


Nathan’s day

Nathan and I had an awesome day together yesterday. First, we met Paul for lunch at a pizza place. And let me tell you, when I say that Nathan doesn’t like his daddy to be more than two feet away from him at all times, I’M NOT KIDDING. Every time Paul got up from the …


Furry Heroes

For all of you who love animals, check out these adorable photos I came across today-  The Search-and-Rescue Dogs of 9/11.
