Children Denied Insurance for Being “Too Fat” or “Too Skinny”

Recently, an insurance company called Rocky Mountain Health in Colorado denied a four-month-old baby insurance because he was obese, which the insurance company claimed was a preexisting condition.  You can read more about it below. Fat Baby Initially Denied Health Insurance And just when I thought that was icing on the cake, I read THIS article: …


How Paul and I Met

I really enjoy this time of year. I love the crispness in the air and the faint smell of wood smoke. I love sipping on hot chocolate with whipped cream and staring out the window at a bright and beautiful morning. I also love that it reminds me of when Paul and I first met. It was November 2007. I …


Unseasonably Cold

We live in East Tennessee and this year, it has been unseasonably cold. Well, not the whole year, of course. There was summertime, which consisted of sweltering heat and humidity that was so sticky it was like being enveloped in a second skin. But where has Fall gone? It seems like the Fall season was completely …


Sweet Pea Saga

As you know, we recently introduced solids into Nathan’s diet.  We’re temporarily using Paul’s highchair from when he was a baby, keeping Nathan under supervision at all times, even though Paul’s high chair is in excellent condition.  He likes almost all of the foods we’ve given him this far… pears, prunes, carrots, and bananas to name a few. So …
